Monday was my eighth birthday, but my mommy held a pool party for me (and for her friends as well) on Sunday. I had so much fun swimming and splashing and eating my cake!
Mommy took the pictures (cuz my grandma sucks at taking pictures!) Sorry for the bad word ... :(
Today grandma took me to a performance of the improvisation at ComedySportz, which every first Saturday of the month they do a Saturday ComedySportzKids.
It is an interactive improv, and I was featured three times! My grandma took pictures from her cell phone, some videos from her video camera, and some still shots from her video camera. For some reason, the batteries stopped working, and so she couldn't take a lot of video. Grandma did, however, get two little sound bites of the three actors making up a birthday song to me, and she recorded it on her cell phone which is cool!
My first bit was when I was onstage with the three actors and four other kids in the audience, and whenever they pointed to one of us, we had to say a word, and then they would continue with their improv. My best word was when someone said "and then I gave her my ..." and pointed to me, and I said "my flat screen tv!" Ha ha.
Then they asked if anyone had a birthday, and I raised my hand because I turn 8 on Monday, September 13. So I was brought to the stage and the group made up a song with a guitar and sang it. My grandma's video was not working but she managed to capture two 20 second sound bites, which is way cool.
Part one. Part two. (When you get to the DivShare page, just click on "download" and you can listen to the .wav file).
Then I participated in the finale, which had all the kids up on the stage (and some adults) and we all had to sing animal sounds (my group was lions), and one of the actors would "direct" or "conduct" us and we had to sing our sounds (there were cow's mooing, and chickens clucking) for the grand finale.
I had a really good time, and would like to go back again next month!